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‘The re-issuing of the four volumes of the author’s writings is a major publishing event for psychoanalysts who are interested in both the theoretical and the therapeutic aspects of psychoanalysis. These volumes contain the author’s pre-self psychology essays as well as those he wrote in order to continue to expand on his groundbreaking ideas, which he presented in The Analysis of the Self; the Restoration of the Self; and in How Does Analysis Cure? These volumes of The Search for the Self permit the reader to understand not only the above three basic texts of psychoanalytic self psychology more profoundly, but also to appreciate the author’s sustained openness to further changes – to dare to present his self psychology as in continued flux, influenced by newly emerging empirical data of actual clinical practice. The current re-issue of the four volumes of The Search for the Self would assure that the younger generation of psychoanalysts would be exposed to a clinical theory that could contribute greatly to solving the therapeutic dilemmas facing psychoanalysis today’. This is Volume three.
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Additional ISBNs
9781855758742, 9781855758797, 9781855758841, 9780367328733, 9780429483110
The Search for the Self: Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut 1978-1981 1st Edition is written by Heinz Kohut and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Search for the Self are 9780429922114, 0429922116 and the print ISBNs are 9781032317182, 1032317183. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781855758742, 9781855758797, 9781855758841, 9780367328733, 9780429483110.
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