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This companion guide to the bestselling The Six Sigma Way focuses on the project improvement teams that do the real, in-the-trenches work of Six Sigma—measuring performance, improving quality and saving millions in the process. The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook is a highly practical reference for team leaders and members, outlining both the methods that have made Six Sigma successful and the basic steps a team must follow in an improvement effort. Written by three veteran trainers of Six Sigma “Black Belts” and teams at GE, Sun Microsystems, and Sears, this hands-on guide helps teams obtain the skills they need to identify a product, service, or process that needs improvement or redesign; gather data on the process and the rate of defects; find ways to improve quality up to a Six Sigma level—just 3.4 defects per million; and much more. * Includes dozens of data-gathering forms and Six Sigma tools and worksheets * Describes key improvement methods in a concise “how-to” format with checklists and tips
This is a digital product.
The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook: An Implementation Guide for Process Improvement Teams 1st Edition is written by Peter S. Pande; Robert P. Neuman; Roland R. Cavanagh and published by McGraw-Hill. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook: An Implementation Guide for Process Improvement Teams are 9780071431491, 0071431497 and the print ISBNs are 9780071373142, 0071373144.
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