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The interaction between color and architecture determines our perception of space, and defines the tectonic relationships. The fascinating spatial potential of color, and the multi-layered dimensions of interpretation in the experience of color are design and communication means which, however, are often not fully used – color oscillates between autonomy and functional purpose, and should be understood as a distinct “material” that can be used as part of the design. The book focuses both on the tangible aspects and design criteria of color, and on its indeterminate nature and its experience value. Using examples in art and architecture, the spatial interdependency of color is illustrated, as is its interaction with structure, light, and geometry.
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Thinking Color in Space: Positions, Projects, Potentials 1st Edition is written by Kerstin Schultz; Hedwig Wiedemann-Tokarz; Eva Maria Herrmann and published by Birkhäuser. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thinking Color in Space are 9783035618402, 3035618402 and the print ISBNs are 9783035615968, 3035615969.
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