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Time to Listen to Children is a practical guide to effective communication with children. Professionals working with children in a variety of settings examine the skills required to help children articulate their problems and feelings. They discuss issues such as training, cultural background and religion and give accounts of their work in the following settings: * education * social services * voluntary organizations * medical settings * law Contributors practice a variety of therapeutic techniques, including play, music and art therapy. Time to Listen to Children will be a valuable resource for social workers, teachers and counsellors in training and for all professionals who wish to adopt a skilled, reflective and active approach to their work with children.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
9780415171977, 9780203147078, 9780203185810, 9780203137512, 9786610327010, 9781280327018, 9781134693467, 9781134693412, 9780203190838
Time to Listen to Children: Personal and Professional Communication 1st Edition and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Time to Listen to Children are 9781134693450, 1134693451 and the print ISBNs are 9780415171984, 0415171989. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780415171977, 9780203147078, 9780203185810, 9780203137512, 9786610327010, 9781280327018, 9781134693467, 9781134693412, 9780203190838.
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