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Teens are big consumers, spending more than $200 billion yearly in the United States alone. But many have scant knowledge and skills for spending money responsibly now and in the future. With the ten secrets for wise spending revealed in this book, readers gain the tools to both afford their expenses and save more cash. In addition to budgeting, teens learn to shop smart, accurately judging affordability, discerning needs vs. wants, identifying value, and calculating the true cost of an item. Fascinating financial facts, questions for an expert, common myths, and a helpful glossary all contribute toward helping make readers financially literate.
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Additional ISBNs
Top 10 Secrets for Spending Your Money Wisely is written by Barbara Gottfried Hollander and published by Rosen Young Adult. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Top 10 Secrets for Spending Your Money Wisely are 9781448893683, 1448893682 and the print ISBNs are 9781448893614, 1448893615. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781508179801.
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