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The Traffic Engineering Handbook is a comprehensive practice-oriented reference that presents the fundamental concepts of traffic engineering, commensurate with the state of the practice. The Handbook, which was first published in 1941, has been widely used for over 70 years by public and private agencies and educational institutions as a basic day-to-day reference on the proven techniques of the practice. The broadening scope of the profession led the 1976 and 1982 editions of the Handbook were published as Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook. It was later separated into two separate publications; one addressing planning and administration of transportation facilities (Transportation Planning Handbook) and the other addressing their operation, design, and management (Traffic Engineering Handbook). The 7th Edition updates the previous edition by addressing a number of key changes, including increased focus on serving the needs of all users; the design of context sensitive roadways; and the development of more sustainable transportation solutions. A new structure for content of the Handbook is intended to promote a more functionally driven multimodal approach to planning, designing and implementing transportation solutions. The new Handbook will also be reflective of recent updates to several major transportation resources such as the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), AASSHTO Policy on Geometric Design, Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility regulations.
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