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Explaining the connection between physical and strategic design, this book proposes an aesthetic connection between two equal aspects of architectural design: the Real and the Ideal. Addressing architectural thinkers from the broad realms of academia and practice, it is suitable either as a seminar text, a guide to contemporary design issues, or as a theoretical work. Beginning with a historical perspective, the book looks at some of the key conflicts in architectural thought that were brought about by postindustrial change. The discussion shifts to clearly describe the forms of complexity, how these have interacted with architecture and the possibilities in fully embracing complexity in architectural practice. Although there are many books focusing on complexity science, there are few that focus on the relationship between complexity and design and none which take such a comprehensive approach.
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Additional ISBNs
9780415782463, 9780203120101, 9781280776823
Two Spheres: Physical and Strategic Design in Architecture 1st Edition is written by Leonard R. Bachman and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Two Spheres are 9781136319044, 1136319042 and the print ISBNs are 9780415782470, 0415782473. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780415782463, 9780203120101, 9781280776823.
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