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Algebraic geometry is, essentially, the study of the solution of equations and occupies a central position in pure mathematics. This short and readable introduction to algebraic geometry will be ideal for all undergraduate mathematicians coming to the subject for the first time. With the minimum of prerequisites, Dr Reid introduces the reader to the basic concepts of algebraic geometry including: plane conics, cubics and the group law, affine and projective varieties, and non-singularity and dimension. He is at pains to stress the connections the subject has with commutative algebra as well as its relation to topology, differential geometry, and number theory. The book arises from an undergraduate course given at the University of Warwick and contains numerous examples and exercises illustrating the theory.
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Additional ISBNs
0521355591, 0521356628, 1107266211, 9780521355599, 9780521356626, 9781107266216
Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry 1st Edition is written by Miles Reid and published by Cambridge University Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry are 9781107266216, 1107266211 and the print ISBNs are 9780521356626, 0521356628. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0521355591, 0521356628, 1107266211, 9780521355599, 9780521356626, 9781107266216.
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