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Sudden death is an uncommon condition. But when it occurs, especially in a young person, the acute loss can generate a substantial amount of grief with a great sense of disbelief. This mysterious and dreadful condition instils much fear and anxiety into the living, and more specifically for family members and friends. Understandably, the apprehension is brought about by the unexpectedness of the event and uncertainty of the consequences. The feeling of uneasiness is largely attributed to the lack of information regarding this condition. However in recent years, several causes of sudden death have been clarified. Treatment modalities have improved and reduced the occurrence of dying suddenly.This book is meant for anyone who wants to know more about sudden death. It aims to diminish its terror by explaining the various conditions that predispose individuals to sudden death and ways which may prevent it from occurring.
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Additional ISBNs
9789814641159, 9789814641142, 9814641154, 9814641146
Understanding And Preventing Sudden Death: Your Life Matters: Your Life Matters is written by Koon Hou Mak and published by World Scientific. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Understanding And Preventing Sudden Death: Your Life Matters are 9789814641173, 9814641170 and the print ISBNs are 9789814641142, 9814641146. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9789814641159, 9789814641142, 9814641154, 9814641146.
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