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Understanding Luxury Fashion
From Emotions to Brand Building
Offering an original contribution to the field of luxury and fashion studies, this edited collection takes a philosophical perspective, addressing the idea that humans need luxury. From this framework it delves deep into two particular dimensions of luxury, emotions and society, and concludes with cases of brand building in order to illustrate the two dimensions at work. Comparative analysis between countries is brought together with an emphasis on China. Chapters address the ongoing growth in the market, as well as the significant changes in the sector brought about by fast international expansion and an increased focus on ethical supply and sustainability, making the book an insightful read for scholars of fashion business, luxury and branding.
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Understanding Luxury Fashion: From Emotions to Brand Building is written by Author and published by Palgrave Macmillan. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Understanding Luxury Fashion are 9783030256548, 3030256545 and the print ISBNs are 9783030256531, 3030256537.
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