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Roger Scruton first addressed this topic in his celebrated book The Aesthetics of Music (OUP) and in this new book he applies the theory to the practice and examines a number of composers and musical forms. His continued fascination with Wagner provides much interesting content but he also deals near-death blows to his favorite targets like Pierre Boulez and Hoagy Carmichael. His legal encounter with The Pet Shop Boys is well documented (they sued him for libel in 1999) and the book closes with a devastating chapter on pop music, containing more controversial views that readers will relish. Many will be delighted; others enraged. However, underlying this book there is a consistent argument and passion for tonality and rhythm.
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Understanding Music: Philosophy and Interpretation 1st Edition is written by Roger Scruton and published by Continuum. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Understanding Music are 9781441153555, 1441153551 and the print ISBNs are 9781847065063, 1847065066.
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