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Cardiac MR is explored in this important issue in MRI Clinics of North America. Articles will include: MR physics in practice; Ventricular mechanics: Techniques and applications; MR safety issues particular to women; Novel MR applications for evaluation of pericardial diseases; 4D flow applications for aortic diseases; T1 mapping: technique and applications; ARVD: An updated imaging approach; Imaging the metabolic syndrome; Coronary MRA: how to optimize image quality; Prognostic role of MRI in nonischemic myocardial disease; MRI for valvular imaging; MRI for adult congenital heart disease assessment; Cardiac MRI applications for cancer patients; Applications of PET-MRI for cardiovascular disease; Rings and slings, and more.
This is a digital product.
Updates in Cardiac MRI, An Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America is written by Karen Ordovas and published by Elsevier. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Updates in Cardiac MRI, An Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America are 9780323354622, 0323354629 and the print ISBNs are 9780323354448, 0323354440.
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