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When Henri Lefebvre published The Urban Revolution in 1970, he sketched a research itinerary on the emerging tendency towards planetary urbanization. Today, when this tendency has become reality, Lefebvre’s ideas on everyday life, production of space, rhythmanalysis and the right to the city are indispensable for the understanding of urbanization processes at every scale of social practice. This volume is the first to develop Lefebvre’s concepts in social research and architecture by focusing on urban conjunctures in Barcelona, Belgrade, Berlin, Budapest, Copenhagen, Dhaka, Hong Kong, London, New Orleans, Nowa Huta, Paris, Toronto, São Paulo, Sarajevo, as well as in Mexico and Switzerland. With contributions by historians and theorists of architecture and urbanism, geographers, sociologists, political and cultural scientists, Urban Revolution Now reveals the multiplicity of processes of urbanization and the variety of their patterns and actors around the globe.
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Additional ISBNs
1351876449, 1409442942, 1315235234, 1472402715, 1409442934, 1409442926, 9781351876445, 9781409442943, 9781315235233, 9781472402714, 9781409442936, 9781409442929
Urban Revolution Now: Henri Lefebvre in Social Research and Architecture 1st Edition is written by Christian Schmid and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Urban Revolution Now are 9781351876438, 1351876430 and the print ISBNs are 9781409442929, 1409442926. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1351876449, 1409442942, 1315235234, 1472402715, 1409442934, 1409442926, 9781351876445, 9781409442943, 9781315235233, 9781472402714, 9781409442936, 9781409442929.
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