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When space is tight how can a city provide the best education experience for children? Is a multi-storey school really a poor option? Can high-quality play opportunities be provided without playgrounds? This book explores the design of schools in urban settings, the increased challenges in meeting the typical expectations of school design, and what the successful new typology of a school in a city might be. A practical guide as well as a theoretical exploration of ideas, this book outlines successful international contemporary and historical case studies, providing much-needed guidance for architects and others working in education design in dense urban environments.
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Additional ISBNs
1859468810, 0429348096, 9781859468814, 9780429348099
Urban Schools: Designing for High Density 1st Edition is written by Helen Taylor; Sharon Wright and published by RIBA Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Urban Schools are 9781000705379, 1000705374 and the print ISBNs are 9781859468814, 1859468810. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1859468810, 0429348096, 9781859468814, 9780429348099.
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