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4,000 quick-hit Q&As and over 100 X-ray and ultrasound images help you ace the Urology boards Like flashcards in a book, this quick-hit question and answer review for the urology boards provides intense, streamlined review and is the perfect complement to larger urology and surgery texts. You’ll find more than 3,300 Q&As with only the right answer provided – there are no multiple-choice distracters – so there’s no chance of an incorrect answer staying in your mind. Also included are more than 100 X-rays and ultrasound images. Chapters are written by experts in the field to give you comprehensive coverage of important urological topics. Presented in a rigorous quick-hit question and answer style consisting of short clinical questions with concise answers Emphasis on distilling key facts and clinical pearls that are essential for exam success Questions on new technologies such as robotics and laparoscopic surgery, advances in cancer chemotherapy, medical urology, and complications related to new medicines (such as Topamax) High-quality of x-rays and imaging study pictures, including many new images (more then 100 in all)
This is a digital product.
Urology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom, Fourth Edition 4th Edition is written by Stephen W. Leslie and published by McGraw-Hill Education / Medical. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Urology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom, Fourth Edition are 9780071799270, 0071799273 and the print ISBNs are 9780071799263, 0071799265.
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