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Why are people so interested in what they and others throw away? This book shows how this interest in what we discard is far from new – it is integral to how we make, build and describe our lived environment. As this wide-ranging new study reveals, waste has been a polarizing topic for millennia and has been treated as a rich resource by artists, writers, philosophers and architects. Drawing on the works of Giorgio Agamben, T.S. Eliot, Jacques Derrida, Martin Heidegger, James Joyce, Bruno Latour and many others, Waste: A Philosophy of Things investigates the complexities of waste in sculpture, literature and architecture. It traces a new philosophy of things from the ancient to the modern and will be of interest to those working in cultural and literary studies, archaeology, architecture and continental philosophy.
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Additional ISBNs
1472527577, 147426736X, 9781472527578, 9781474267366
Waste: A Philosophy of Things 1st Edition is written by William Viney and published by Bloomsbury Academic. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Waste are 9781472525536, 1472525531 and the print ISBNs are 9781474267366, 147426736X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1472527577, 147426736X, 9781472527578, 9781474267366.
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