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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An engaging discussion of the legal, ethical, practical, and cultural considerations of working with families of special needs children. With a strong focus on the families of special needs children, this first edition text provides students with both the information to understand the challenges and needs of these families as well as the skills and strategies required of educators working with such families. Containing a thorough discussion of the common legal and ethical concerns surrounding children with special needs and their families, this book also emphasizes the many individual differences among families. With that in mind, the authors focus on diversity in families with special needs children, cultural considerations, age, and communication with special needs families. In addition, a distinctive final chapter called “A Family’s Voice,” gives students the special opportunity to hear about the unique thoughts and experiences of a large selection of family members of children with special needs.
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