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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The authoritative resource for concise, chronological coverage of all the major sociological criminological theories This book provides all of the key principles of the most researched theories in the field of criminology in a concise, clearly written, and economical format. For over 30 years Williams and McShane’s Criminological Theory has been one of the most well-respected resources for undergraduate and graduate students nationwide, much appreciated for its strong research orientation and detailed research bibliographies that show the relationship between theory, research, and policy. Chapters are logically arranged with the social, cultural, and political context necessary to maximize understanding of the times that generated and supported the various theories presented. The book provides a chronological map tracing the development of each theory in relation to its predecessors and its role in the evolution of future theories. Each chapter ties into the preceding and subsequent chapter, making the theories that are meaningful to criminology today more cohesive. As a result, by understanding the relationship between early and present theory, students see the role played by the theorist more realistically, and can see themselves participating in theory as others before them have done.
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